Matthew E. Bracken

Title(s)Associate Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
SchoolSchool of Biological Sciences
Address457 Steinhaus Hall
Zot 2525
Irvine CA 92697
Phone(949) 824-6976
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    Altmetrics Details PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Field Collection and Laboratory Maintenance of Canopy-Forming Giant Kelp to Facilitate Restoration. J Vis Exp. 2024 Jun 07; (208). Dawkins PD, Paz-Lacavex A, Fiorenza EA, Rush MA, Beas-Luna R, Lorda J, Malpica-Cruz L, Sandoval-Gil JM, McHugh TA, Han MK, Bracken MES, Lamb JB. PMID: 38912782.
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    2. Kelps may compensate for low nitrate availability by using regenerated forms of nitrogen, including urea and ammonium. J Phycol. 2024 Jun; 60(3):768-777. Lees LE, Jordan SNZ, Bracken MES. PMID: 38703050.
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    3. The functional effects of a dominant consumer are altered following the loss of a dominant producer. Ecol Evol. 2023 Aug; 13(8):e10342. Mahanes SA, Sorte CJB, Bracken MES. PMID: 37546568; PMCID: PMC10396790.
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    4. Biological modification of coastal pH depends on community composition and time. Ecology. 2023 08; 104(8):e4113. Sorte CJB, Kroeker KJ, Miller LP, Bracken MES. PMID: 37260224.
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    5. Climate Change Amelioration by Marine Producers: Does Dominance Predict Impact? Biol Bull. 2022 12; 243(3):299-314. Mahanes SA, Bracken MES, Sorte CJB. PMID: 36716485.
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    6. Accounting for variation in temperature and oxygen availability when quantifying marine ecosystem metabolism. Sci Rep. 2022 01 17; 12(1):825. Bracken MES, Miller LP, Mastroni SE, Lira SM, Sorte CJB. PMID: 35039551; PMCID: PMC8763951.
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    7. Intertidal Canopy-forming Seaweeds Modulate Understory Seaweed Photoprotective Compounds. J Phycol. 2021 Apr; 57(2):645-654. Roberts EA, Bracken MES. PMID: 33314105.
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    8. Flexibility of nutritional strategies within a mutualism: food availability affects algal symbiont productivity in two congeneric sea anemone species. Proc Biol Sci. 2020 12 09; 287(1940):20201860. Bedgood SA, Mastroni SE, Bracken MES. PMID: 33290681; PMCID: PMC7739931.
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    9. Complementarity in spatial subsidies of carbon associated with resource partitioning along multiple niche axes. Oecologia. 2020 Jun; 193(2):425-436. Bracken MES. PMID: 32556590.
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    10. Interactive effects of large- and local-scale environmental gradients on phenotypic differentiation. Ecology. 2020 Aug; 101(8):e03078. Benes K, Bracken MES. PMID: 32542682.
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    11. Primary producers may ameliorate impacts of daytime CO2 addition in a coastal marine ecosystem. PeerJ. 2018; 6:e4739. Bracken MES, Silbiger NJ, Bernatchez G, Sorte CJB. PMID: 29761055; PMCID: PMC5949060.
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    12. Stoichiometric Mismatch between Consumers and Resources Mediates the Growth of Rocky Intertidal Suspension Feeders. Front Microbiol. 2017; 8:1297. Bracken MES. PMID: 28747903; PMCID: PMC5506223.
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    13. Spatial scale mediates the effects of biodiversity on marine primary producers. Ecology. 2017 May; 98(5):1434-1443. Bracken MES, Douglass JG, Perini V, Trussell GC. PMID: 28295223.
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    14. Nitrate uptake varies with tide height and nutrient availability in the intertidal seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. J Phycol. 2016 Oct; 52(5):863-876. Benes KM, Bracken ME. PMID: 27484932.
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    15. Warming and Elevated CO2 Interact to Drive Rapid Shifts in Marine Community Production. PLoS One. 2015; 10(12):e0145191. Sorte CJ, Bracken ME. PMID: 26714167; PMCID: PMC4694712.
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    16. Community context mediates the top-down vs. bottom-up effects of grazers on rocky shores. Ecology. 2014 Jun; 95(6):1458-63. Bracken ME, Dolecal RE, Long JD. PMID: 25039210.
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    17. Plant-animal diversity relationships in a rocky intertidal system depend on invertebrate body size and algal cover. Ecology. 2014 May; 95(5):1308-22. Best RJ, Chaudoin AL, Bracken ME, Graham MH, Stachowicz JJ. PMID: 25000762.
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    18. Nitrogen availability limits phosphorus uptake in an intertidal macroalga. Oecologia. 2014 Jun; 175(2):667-76. Perini V, Bracken ME. PMID: 24615494.
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    19. Realistic changes in seaweed biodiversity affect multiple ecosystem functions on a rocky shore. Ecology. 2013 Sep; 94(9):1944-54. Bracken ME, Williams SL. PMID: 24279266.
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    20. Additive effects of physical stress and herbivores on intertidal seaweed biodiversity. Ecology. 2013 May; 94(5):1089-101. Williams SL, Bracken ME, Jones E. PMID: 23858649.
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    21. Invasion of the red seaweed Heterosiphonia japonica spans biogeographic provinces in the Western North Atlantic Ocean. PLoS One. 2013; 8(4):e62261. Newton C, Bracken ME, McConville M, Rodrigue K, Thornber CS. PMID: 23638018; PMCID: PMC3634728.
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    22. Realistic losses of rare species disproportionately impact higher trophic levels. Ecol Lett. 2012 May; 15(5):461-7. Bracken ME, Low NH. PMID: 22381064.
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    23. Nutrient co-limitation of primary producer communities. Ecol Lett. 2011 Sep; 14(9):852-62. Harpole WS, Ngai JT, Cleland EE, Seabloom EW, Borer ET, Bracken ME, Elser JJ, Gruner DS, Hillebrand H, Shurin JB, Smith JE. PMID: 21749598.
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    24. Herbivores, tidal elevation, and species richness simultaneously mediate nitrate uptake by seaweed assemblages. Ecology. 2011 May; 92(5):1083-93. Bracken ME, Jones E, Williams SL. PMID: 21661569.
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    25. Herbivore metabolism and stoichiometry each constrain herbivory at different organizational scales across ecosystems. Ecol Lett. 2009 Jun; 12(6):516-27. Hillebrand H, Borer ET, Bracken ME, Cardinale BJ, Cebrian J, Cleland EE, Elser JJ, Gruner DS, Harpole WS, Ngai JT, Sandin S, Seabloom EW, Shurin JB, Smith JE, Smith MD. PMID: 19392711.
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    26. Consumers control diversity and functioning of a natural marine ecosystem. PLoS One. 2009; 4(4):e5291. Altieri AH, Trussell GC, Ewanchuk PJ, Bernatchez G, Bracken ME. PMID: 19384410; PMCID: PMC2668074.
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    27. Complementarity in marine biodiversity manipulations: reconciling divergent evidence from field and mesocosm experiments. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Dec 02; 105(48):18842-7. Stachowicz JJ, Best RJ, Bracken ME, Graham MH. PMID: 19028868; PMCID: PMC2596222.
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    28. DIVERSITY ENHANCES COVER AND STABILITY OF SEAWEED ASSEMBLAGES: THE ROLE OF HETEROGENEITY AND TIME. Ecology. 2008 Nov; 89(11):3008-3019. Stachowicz JJ, Graham M, Bracken MES, Szoboszlai AI. PMID: 31766813.
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    29. A cross-system synthesis of consumer and nutrient resource control on producer biomass. Ecol Lett. 2008 Jul; 11(7):740-55. Gruner DS, Smith JE, Seabloom EW, Sandin SA, Ngai JT, Hillebrand H, Harpole WS, Elser JJ, Cleland EE, Bracken ME, Borer ET, Bolker BM. PMID: 18445030.
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    30. Functional consequences of realistic biodiversity changes in a marine ecosystem. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jan 22; 105(3):924-8. Bracken ME, Friberg SE, Gonzalez-Dorantes CA, Williams SL. PMID: 18195375; PMCID: PMC2242673.
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    31. Global analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of primary producers in freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Ecol Lett. 2007 Dec; 10(12):1135-42. Elser JJ, Bracken ME, Cleland EE, Gruner DS, Harpole WS, Hillebrand H, Ngai JT, Seabloom EW, Shurin JB, Smith JE. PMID: 17922835.
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    32. Whole-community mutualism: associated invertebrates facilitate a dominant habitat-forming seaweed. Ecology. 2007 Sep; 88(9):2211-9. Bracken ME, Gonzalez-Dorantes CA, Stachowicz JJ. PMID: 17918399.
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    33. Consumer versus resource control of producer diversity depends on ecosystem type and producer community structure. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Jun 26; 104(26):10904-9. Hillebrand H, Gruner DS, Borer ET, Bracken ME, Cleland EE, Elser JJ, Harpole WS, Ngai JT, Seabloom EW, Shurin JB, Smith JE. PMID: 17581875; PMCID: PMC1904146.
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    34. Seaweed diversity enhances nitrogen uptake via complementary use of nitrate and ammonium. Ecology. 2006 Sep; 87(9):2397-403. Bracken ME, Stachowicz JJ. PMID: 16995640.
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    35. Coastal oceanography sets the pace of rocky intertidal community dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Oct 14; 100(21):12229-34. Menge BA, Lubchenco J, Bracken ME, Chan F, Foley MM, Freidenburg TL, Gaines SD, Hudson G, Krenz C, Leslie H, Menge DN, Russell R, Webster MS. PMID: 14512513; PMCID: PMC218741.
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