Abdominal pain and cirrhosis at diagnosis of hemochromatosis: Analysis of 219 referred probands with HFE p.C282Y homozygosity and a literature review. PLoS One. 2021; 16(12):e0261690.
Barton JC, Barton JC, Patel N, McLaren GD. PMID: 34932603; PMCID: PMC8691644.
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Increased frequency of GNPAT p.D519G in compound HFE p.C282Y/p.H63D heterozygotes with elevated serum ferritin levels. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2020 11; 85:102463.
Secondes ES, Wallace DF, Rishi G, McLaren GD, McLaren CE, Chen WP, Ramm LE, Powell LW, Ramm GA, Barton JC, Subramaniam VN. PMID: 32652459; PMCID: PMC7786288.
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Prevalence of iron deficiency in 62,685 women of seven race/ethnicity groups: The HEIRS Study. PLoS One. 2020; 15(4):e0232125.
Barton JC, Wiener HH, Acton RT, Adams PC, Eckfeldt JH, Gordeuk VR, Harris EL, McLaren CE, Harrison H, McLaren GD, Reboussin DM. PMID: 32324809; PMCID: PMC7179917.
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Cirrhosis in Hemochromatosis: Independent Risk Factors in 368 HFE p.C282Y Homozygotes. Ann Hepatol. 2018 Aug 24; 17(5):871-879.
Barton JC, McLaren CE, Chen WP, Ramm GA, Anderson GJ, Powell LW, Subramaniam VN, Adams PC, Phatak PD, Gurrin LC, Phillips JD, Parker CJ, Emond MJ, McLaren GD. PMID: 30145563; PMCID: PMC6368858.
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Therapeutic recommendations in HFE hemochromatosis for p.Cys282Tyr (C282Y/C282Y) homozygous genotype. Hepatol Int. 2018 Mar; 12(2):83-86.
Adams P, Altes A, Brissot P, Butzeck B, Cabantchik I, Cançado R, Distante S, Evans P, Evans R, Ganz T, Girelli D, Hultcrantz R, McLaren G, Marris B, Milman N, Nemeth E, Nielsen P, Pineau B, Piperno A, Porto G, Prince D, Ryan J, Sanchez M, Santos P, Swinkels D, Teixeira E, Toska K, Vanclooster A, White D, Contributors and Hemochromatosis International Taskforce. PMID: 29589198; PMCID: PMC5904234.
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Reply. Hepatology. 2017 03; 65(3):1072-1073.
McLaren GD, Barton JC, Ramm GA, Emond MJ, Subramaniam VN, Phatak PD, Adams PC, Powell LW, Gurrin LC, Anderson GJ, McLaren CE. PMID: 28010035; PMCID: PMC5319902.
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GNPAT p.D519G is independently associated with markedly increased iron stores in HFE p.C282Y homozygotes. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2017 03; 63:15-20.
Barton JC, Chen WP, Emond MJ, Phatak PD, Subramaniam VN, Adams PC, Gurrin LC, Anderson GJ, Ramm GA, Powell LW, Allen KJ, Phillips JD, Parker CJ, McLaren GD, McLaren CE. PMID: 27936396; PMCID: PMC5629344.
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The D519G Polymorphism of Glyceronephosphate O-Acyltransferase Is a Risk Factor for Familial Porphyria Cutanea Tarda. PLoS One. 2016; 11(9):e0163322.
Farrell CP, Overbey JR, Naik H, Nance D, McLaren GD, McLaren CE, Zhou L, Desnick RJ, Parker CJ, Phillips JD. PMID: 27661980; PMCID: PMC5035022.
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Reply. Hepatology. 2016 06; 63(6):2058-60.
McLaren CE, Barton JC, Subramaniam VN, Ramm GA, Phatak PD, Emond MJ, Gurrin LC, Adams PC, Powell LW, Anderson GJ, McLaren GD. PMID: 26845080; PMCID: PMC4874893.
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Reply. Hepatology. 2016 06; 63(6):2056-7.
McLaren CE, Barton JC, Phatak PD, Emond MJ, Subramaniam VN, Gurrin LC, Adams PC, Powell LW, Ramm GA, Anderson GJ, McLaren GD. PMID: 26417986; PMCID: PMC4811743.
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Reply: To PMID 25605615. Hepatology. 2015 Dec; 62(6):1918-9.
McLaren CE, Emond MJ, Subramaniam VN, Phatak PD, Barton JC, Adams PC, Powell LW, Gurrin LC, Ramm GA, Anderson GJ, McLaren GD. PMID: 25914125.
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Exome sequencing in HFE C282Y homozygous men with extreme phenotypes identifies a GNPAT variant associated with severe iron overload. Hepatology. 2015 Aug; 62(2):429-39.
McLaren CE, Emond MJ, Subramaniam VN, Phatak PD, Barton JC, Adams PC, Goh JB, McDonald CJ, Powell LW, Gurrin LC, Allen KJ, Nickerson DA, Louie T, Ramm GA, Anderson GJ, McLaren GD. PMID: 25605615; PMCID: PMC4508230.
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Elevated transferrin saturation, health-related quality of life and telomere length. Biometals. 2014 Feb; 27(1):135-41.
Mainous AG, Wright RU, Hulihan MM, Twal WO, McLaren CE, Diaz VA, McLaren GD, Argraves WS, Grant AM. PMID: 24337410; PMCID: PMC4034347.
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HFE mutations in Caucasian participants of the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening study with serum ferritin level <1000 µg/L. Can J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jul; 27(7):390-2.
Adams PC, McLaren CE, Speechley M, McLaren GD, Barton JC, Eckfeldt JH. PMID: 23862168; PMCID: PMC3956024.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Telomere length and elevated iron: the influence of phenotype and HFE genotype. Am J Hematol. 2013 Jun; 88(6):492-6.
Mainous AG, Wright RU, Hulihan MM, Twal WO, McLaren CE, Diaz VA, McLaren GD, Argraves WS, Grant AM. PMID: 23512844; PMCID: PMC3784668.
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Randomized trial of physician alerts for thromboprophylaxis after discharge. Am J Med. 2013 May; 126(5):435-42.
Piazza G, Anderson FA, Ortel TL, Cox MJ, Rosenberg DJ, Rahimian S, Pendergast WJ, McLaren GD, Welker JA, Akus JJ, Stevens SM, Elliott CG, Freeman AL, Patton WF, Dabbagh O, Wyman A, Huang W, Rao AF, Goldhaber SZ. PMID: 23510945.
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Association between celiac disease and iron deficiency in Caucasians, but not non-Caucasians. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013 Jul; 11(7):808-14.
Murray JA, McLachlan S, Adams PC, Eckfeldt JH, Garner CP, Vulpe CD, Gordeuk VR, Brantner T, Leiendecker-Foster C, Killeen AA, Acton RT, Barcellos LF, Nickerson DA, Beckman KB, McLaren GD, McLaren CE. PMID: 23416278; PMCID: PMC3843318.
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Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in iron-related genes and iron status in multiethnic populations. PLoS One. 2012; 7(6):e38339.
McLaren CE, McLachlan S, Garner CP, Vulpe CD, Gordeuk VR, Eckfeldt JH, Adams PC, Acton RT, Murray JA, Leiendecker-Foster C, Snively BM, Barcellos LF, Cook JD, McLaren GD. PMID: 22761678; PMCID: PMC3382217.
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32 Fields:
New mechanistic explanation for the localization of ulcers in the rat duodenum: role of iron and selective uptake of cysteamine. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2012 Sep 01; 525(1):60-70.
Khomenko T, Kolodney J, Pinto JT, McLaren GD, Deng X, Chen L, Tolstanova G, Paunovic B, Krasnikov BF, Hoa N, Cooper AJ, Szabo S. PMID: 22684023.
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Dietary iron intake and serum ferritin concentration in 213 patients homozygous for the HFEC282Y hemochromatosis mutation. Can J Gastroenterol. 2012 Jun; 26(6):345-9.
Gordeuk VR, Lovato L, Barton J, Vitolins M, McLaren G, Acton R, McLaren C, Harris E, Speechley M, Eckfeldt JH, Diaz S, Sholinsky P, Adams P. PMID: 22720276; PMCID: PMC3378281.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Probability of C282Y homozygosity decreases as liver transaminase activities increase in participants with hyperferritinemia in the hemochromatosis and iron overload screening study. Hepatology. 2012 Jun; 55(6):1722-6.
Adams PC, Speechley M, Barton JC, McLaren CE, McLaren GD, Eckfeldt JH. PMID: 22183642; PMCID: PMC3355194.
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Stimulated erythropoiesis with secondary iron loading leads to a decrease in hepcidin despite an increase in bone morphogenetic protein 6 expression. Br J Haematol. 2012 Jun; 157(5):615-26.
Frazer DM, Wilkins SJ, Darshan D, Badrick AC, McLaren GD, Anderson GJ. PMID: 22449175.
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IRon Overload screeNing tool (IRON): development of a tool to guide screening in primary care. Am J Hematol. 2011 Sep; 86(9):733-7.
Mainous AG, Diaz VA, Everett CJ, Knoll ME, Hulihan MM, Grant AM, McLaren CE, McLaren GD. PMID: 21800355; PMCID: PMC3779368.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron deficiency. PLoS One. 2011 Mar 31; 6(3):e17390.
McLaren CE, Garner CP, Constantine CC, McLachlan S, Vulpe CD, Snively BM, Gordeuk VR, Nickerson DA, Cook JD, Leiendecker-Foster C, Beckman KB, Eckfeldt JH, Barcellos LF, Murray JA, Adams PC, Acton RT, Killeen AA, McLaren GD. PMID: 21483845; PMCID: PMC3069025.
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A phase 1/2, dose-escalation trial of deferasirox for the treatment of iron overload in HFE-related hereditary hemochromatosis. Hepatology. 2010 Nov; 52(5):1671-779.
Phatak P, Brissot P, Wurster M, Adams PC, Bonkovsky HL, Gross J, Malfertheiner P, McLaren GD, Niederau C, Piperno A, Powell LW, Russo MW, Stoelzel U, Stremmel W, Griffel L, Lynch N, Zhang Y, Pietrangelo A. PMID: 20814896; PMCID: PMC3034044.
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Heritability of serum iron measures in the hemochromatosis and iron overload screening (HEIRS) family study. Am J Hematol. 2010 Feb; 85(2):101-5.
McLaren CE, Barton JC, Eckfeldt JH, McLaren GD, Acton RT, Adams PC, Henkin LF, Gordeuk VR, Vulpe CD, Harris EL, Harrison BW, Reiss JA, Snively BM. PMID: 20095037; PMCID: PMC3816512.
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Screening for iron overload: lessons from the hemochromatosis and iron overload screening (HEIRS) study. Can J Gastroenterol. 2009 Nov; 23(11):769-72.
Adams P, Barton JC, McLaren GD, Acton RT, Speechley M, McLaren CE, Reboussin DM, Leiendecker-Foster C, Harris EL, Snively BM, Vogt T, Sholinsky P, Thomson E, Dawkins FW, Gordeuk VR, Eckfeldt JH. PMID: 19893773; PMCID: PMC2777090.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Measurement of sulfur-containing compounds involved in the metabolism and transport of cysteamine and cystamine. Regional differences in cerebral metabolism. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2009 Oct 15; 877(28):3434-41.
Pinto JT, Khomenko T, Szabo S, McLaren GD, Denton TT, Krasnikov BF, Jeitner TM, Cooper AJ. PMID: 19523884; PMCID: PMC2752955.
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Physician alerts to prevent symptomatic venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients. Circulation. 2009 Apr 28; 119(16):2196-201.
Piazza G, Rosenbaum EJ, Pendergast W, Jacobson JO, Pendleton RC, McLaren GD, Elliott CG, Stevens SM, Patton WF, Dabbagh O, Paterno MD, Catapane E, Li Z, Goldhaber SZ. PMID: 19364975; PMCID: PMC2901546.
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Role of iron in the pathogenesis of cysteamine-induced duodenal ulceration in rats. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2009 Jun; 296(6):G1277-86.
Khomenko T, Szabo S, Deng X, Ishikawa H, Anderson GJ, McLaren GD. PMID: 19342511; PMCID: PMC3834006.
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Iron absorption and metabolism. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2009 Mar; 25(2):129-35.
Anderson GJ, Frazer DM, McLaren GD. PMID: 19528880.
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Heme carrier protein 1 (HCP1) genetic variants in the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) Study participants. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2009 Mar-Apr; 42(2):150-4.
Wang X, Leiendecker-Foster C, Acton RT, Barton JC, McLaren CE, McLaren GD, Gordeuk VR, Eckfeldt JH. PMID: 19176287; PMCID: PMC2710880.
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HFE C282Y homozygosity is associated with lower total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: The hemochromatosis and iron overload screening study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2009 Feb; 2(1):34-7.
Adams PC, Pankow JS, Barton JC, Acton RT, Leiendecker-Foster C, McLaren GD, Speechley M, Eckfeldt JH. PMID: 20031565.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Hereditary hemochromatosis: insights from the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) Study. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2009; 195-206.
McLaren GD, Gordeuk VR. PMID: 20008199; PMCID: PMC3829617.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Clinical manifestations of hemochromatosis in HFE C282Y homozygotes identified by screening. Can J Gastroenterol. 2008 Nov; 22(11):923-30.
McLaren GD, McLaren CE, Adams PC, Barton JC, Reboussin DM, Gordeuk VR, Acton RT, Harris EL, Speechley MR, Sholinsky P, Dawkins FW, Snively BM, Vogt TM, Eckfeldt JH, Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screen (HEIRS) Study Research Investigators. PMID: 19018338; PMCID: PMC2661195.
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Serum ferritin concentrations and body iron stores in a multicenter, multiethnic primary-care population. Am J Hematol. 2008 Aug; 83(8):618-26.
Gordeuk VR, Reboussin DM, McLaren CE, Barton JC, Acton RT, McLaren GD, Harris EL, Reiss JA, Adams PC, Speechley M, Phatak PD, Sholinsky P, Eckfeldt JH, Chen WP, Passmore L, Dawkins FW. PMID: 18429050; PMCID: PMC3773165.
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Serial serum ferritin measurements in untreated HFE C282Y homozygotes in the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening Study. Int J Lab Hematol. 2008 Aug; 30(4):300-5.
Adams PC, Reboussin DM, Barton JC, Acton RT, Speechley M, Leiendecker-Foster C, Meenan R, Passmore L, McLaren CE, McLaren GD, Gordeuk V, Dawkins F, Eckfeldt JH. PMID: 18665827.
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Accuracy of family history of hemochromatosis or iron overload: the hemochromatosis and iron overload screening study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 Aug; 6(8):934-8.
Acton RT, Barton JC, Passmore LV, Adams PC, McLaren GD, Leiendecker-Foster C, Speechley MR, Harris EL, Castro O, Reiss JA, Snively BM, Harrison BW, McLaren CE. PMID: 18585964; PMCID: PMC3779058.
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Characteristics of participants with self-reported hemochromatosis or iron overload at HEIRS study initial screening. Am J Hematol. 2008 Feb; 83(2):126-32.
Barton JC, Acton RT, Leiendecker-Foster C, Lovato L, Adams PC, Eckfeldt JH, McLaren CE, Reiss JA, McLaren GD, Reboussin DM, Gordeuk VR, Speechley MR, Press RD, Dawkins FW, Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) Study Research Investigators. PMID: 17726683; PMCID: PMC3773364.
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Biological variability of transferrin saturation and unsaturated iron-binding capacity. Am J Med. 2007 Nov; 120(11):999.e1-7.
Adams PC, Reboussin DM, Press RD, Barton JC, Acton RT, Moses GC, Leiendecker-Foster C, McLaren GD, Dawkins FW, Gordeuk VR, Lovato L, Eckfeldt JH. PMID: 17976429; PMCID: PMC2151312.
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A genome-wide linkage scan for iron phenotype quantitative trait loci: the HEIRS Family Study. Clin Genet. 2007 Jun; 71(6):518-29.
Acton RT, Snively BM, Barton JC, McLaren CE, Adams PC, Rich SS, Eckfeldt JH, Press RD, Sholinsky P, Leiendecker-Foster C, McLaren GD, Speechley MR, Harris EL, Dawkins FW, Gordeuk VR, Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening Study Research Investigators. PMID: 17539901.
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Serum ferritin and transferrin saturation in Asians and Pacific Islanders. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Apr 09; 167(7):722-6.
Harris EL, McLaren CE, Reboussin DM, Gordeuk VR, Barton JC, Acton RT, McLaren GD, Vogt TM, Snively BM, Leiendecker-Foster C, Holup JL, Passmore LV, Eckfeldt JH, Lin E, Adams PC. PMID: 17420432.
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African Americans at risk for increased iron stores or liver disease. Am J Med. 2007 Aug; 120(8):734.e1-9.
Dawkins FW, Gordeuk VR, Snively BM, Lovato L, Barton JC, Acton RT, McLaren GD, Leiendecker-Foster C, McLaren CE, Adams PC, Speechley M, Harris EL, Jackson S, Thomson EJ. PMID: 17679134.
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Association of ferroportin Q248H polymorphism with elevated levels of serum ferritin in African Americans in the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) Study. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2007 May-Jun; 38(3):247-52.
Rivers CA, Barton JC, Gordeuk VR, Acton RT, Speechley MR, Snively BM, Leiendecker-Foster C, Press RD, Adams PC, McLaren GD, Dawkins FW, McLaren CE, Reboussin DM. PMID: 17276706; PMCID: PMC3727273.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Hemochromatosis (HFE) gene splice site mutation IVS5+1 G/A in North American Vietnamese with and without phenotypic evidence of iron overload. Transl Res. 2007 Feb; 149(2):92-5.
Steiner M, Leiendecker-Foster C, McLaren GD, Snively BM, McLaren CE, Adams PC, Eckfeldt JH. PMID: 17240320.
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HFE C282Y homozygotes aged 25-29 years at HEIRS Study initial screening. Genet Test. 2007; 11(3):269-75.
Barton JC, Acton RT, Leiendecker-Foster C, Lovato L, Adams PC, McLaren GD, Eckfeldt JH, McLaren CE, Reboussin DM, Gordeuk VR, Speechley MR, Reiss JA, Press RD, Dawkins FW, Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) Study Research Investigators. PMID: 17949288.
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Mixture models of serum iron measures in population screening for hemochromatosis and iron overload. Transl Res. 2006 Oct; 148(4):196-206.
McLaren CE, Li KT, McLaren GD, Gordeuk VR, Snively BM, Reboussin DM, Barton JC, Acton RT, Dawkins FW, Harris EL, Eckfeldt JH, Moses GC, Adams PC. PMID: 17002922.
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Relationships of serum ferritin, transferrin saturation, and HFE mutations and self-reported diabetes in the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) study. Diabetes Care. 2006 Sep; 29(9):2084-9.
Acton RT, Barton JC, Passmore LV, Adams PC, Speechley MR, Dawkins FW, Sholinsky P, Reboussin DM, McLaren GD, Harris EL, Bent TC, Vogt TM, Castro O. PMID: 16936157.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Liver diseases in the hemochromatosis and iron overload screening study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006 Jul; 4(7):918-23; quiz 807.
Adams PC, Passmore L, Chakrabarti S, Reboussin DM, Acton RT, Barton JC, McLaren GD, Eckfeldt JH, Dawkins FW, Gordeuk VR, Harris EL, Leiendecker-Foster C, Gossman E, Sholinsky P, Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening Study Research Investigators. PMID: 16797244.
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Geographic and racial/ethnic differences in HFE mutation frequencies in the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) Study. Ethn Dis. 2006; 16(4):815-21.
Acton RT, Barton JC, Snively BM, McLaren CE, Adams PC, Harris EL, Speechley MR, McLaren GD, Dawkins FW, Leiendecker-Foster C, Holup JL, Balasubramanyam A, Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening Study Research Investigators. PMID: 17061732.
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Iron metabolism in the hemoglobin-deficit mouse: correlation of diferric transferrin with hepcidin expression. Blood. 2006 Feb 15; 107(4):1659-64.
Wilkins SJ, Frazer DM, Millard KN, McLaren GD, Anderson GJ. PMID: 16239432; PMCID: PMC1895407.
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Concerns in a primary care population about genetic discrimination by insurers. Genet Med. 2005 May-Jun; 7(5):311-6.
Hall MA, McEwen JE, Barton JC, Walker AP, Howe EG, Reiss JA, Power TE, Ellis SD, Tucker DC, Harrison BW, McLaren GD, Ruggiero A, Thomson EJ. PMID: 15915082.
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Hemochromatosis and iron-overload screening in a racially diverse population. N Engl J Med. 2005 Apr 28; 352(17):1769-78.
Adams PC, Reboussin DM, Barton JC, McLaren CE, Eckfeldt JH, McLaren GD, Dawkins FW, Acton RT, Harris EL, Gordeuk VR, Leiendecker-Foster C, Speechley M, Snively BM, Holup JL, Thomson E, Sholinsky P, Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) Study Research Investigators. PMID: 15858186.
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Comparison of the unsaturated iron-binding capacity with transferrin saturation as a screening test to detect C282Y homozygotes for hemochromatosis in 101,168 participants in the hemochromatosis and iron overload screening (HEIRS) study. Clin Chem. 2005 Jun; 51(6):1048-52.
Adams PC, Reboussin DM, Leiendecker-Foster C, Moses GC, McLaren GD, McLaren CE, Dawkins FW, Kasvosve I, Acton RT, Barton JC, Zaccaro D, Harris EL, Press R, Chang H, Eckfeldt JH. PMID: 15833784.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Initial screening transferrin saturation values, serum ferritin concentrations, and HFE genotypes in whites and blacks in the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening Study. Genet Test. 2005; 9(3):231-41.
Barton JC, Acton RT, Dawkins FW, Adams PC, Lovato L, Leiendecker-Foster C, McLaren CE, Reboussin DM, Speechley MR, Gordeuk VR, McLaren GD, Sholinsky P, Harris EL. PMID: 16225403.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Delayed hepcidin response explains the lag period in iron absorption following a stimulus to increase erythropoiesis. Gut. 2004 Oct; 53(10):1509-15.
Frazer DM, Inglis HR, Wilkins SJ, Millard KN, Steele TM, McLaren GD, McKie AT, Vulpe CD, Anderson GJ. PMID: 15361505; PMCID: PMC1774251.
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Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) study design for an evaluation of 100,000 primary care-based adults. Am J Med Sci. 2003 Feb; 325(2):53-62.
McLaren CE, Barton JC, Adams PC, Harris EL, Acton RT, Press N, Reboussin DM, McLaren GD, Sholinsky P, Walker AP, Gordeuk VR, Leiendecker-Foster C, Dawkins FW, Eckfeldt JH, Mellen BG, Speechley M, Thomson E, Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Study Research Investigators. PMID: 12589228.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Comparison of sampling methods for obtaining accurate coagulation values in hemodialysis patients with heparinized central venous catheters. Nephrol Nurs J. 2001 Dec; 28(6):632-6.
McLaren G, Hanna C, Mills L, Bourdeau J, Cowin R. PMID: 12143472.
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Relationship between transferrin saturation and iron stores in the African American and US Caucasian populations: analysis of data from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Blood. 2001 Oct 15; 98(8):2345-51.
McLaren CE, Li KT, Gordeuk VR, Hasselblad V, McLaren GD. PMID: 11588029.
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HFE genotype in patients with hemochromatosis and other liver diseases. Ann Intern Med. 2000 Feb 01; 132(3):245; author reply 246.
McLaren GD. PMID: 10651611.
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Patient-specific analysis of sequential haematological data by multiple linear regression and mixture distribution modelling. Stat Med. 2000 Jan 15; 19(1):83-98.
McLaren CE, Kambour EL, McLachlan GJ, Lukaski HC, Li X, Brittenham GM, McLaren GD. PMID: 10623915.
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Screening for hemochromatosis in primary care settings. Ann Intern Med. 1998 Dec 01; 129(11):962-70.
McDonnell SM, Phatak PD, Felitti V, Hover A, McLaren GD. PMID: 9867749.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Distribution of transferrin saturation in an Australian population: relevance to the early diagnosis of hemochromatosis. Gastroenterology. 1998 Mar; 114(3):543-9.
McLaren CE, McLachlan GJ, Halliday JW, Webb SI, Leggett BA, Jazwinska EC, Crawford DH, Gordeuk VR, McLaren GD, Powell LW. PMID: 9496946.
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Mapping the gene for sex-linked anemia: an inherited defect of intestinal iron absorption in the mouse. Genomics. 1998 Feb 15; 48(1):34-9.
Anderson GJ, Murphy TL, Cowley L, Evans BA, Halliday JW, McLaren GD. PMID: 9503013.
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Etiologies, consequences, and treatment of iron overload. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci. 1994; 31(2):89-133.
Gordeuk VR, McLaren GD, Samowitz W. PMID: 7917009.
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Reticuloendothelial iron stores and hereditary hemochromatosis: a paradox. J Lab Clin Med. 1989 Feb; 113(2):137-8.
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Control of iron absorption in hemochromatosis. Mucosal iron kinetics in vivo. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1988; 526:185-98.
McLaren GD, Nathanson MH, Jacobs A, Trevett D, Thomson W. PMID: 3389641.
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Computer simulation of iron absorption: regulation of mucosal and systemic iron kinetics in dogs. J Nutr. 1987 Jun; 117(6):1067-75.
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Iron absorption in normal and iron-deficient beagle dogs: mucosal iron kinetics. Am J Physiol. 1985 Oct; 249(4 Pt 1):G439-48.
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